Par Sylvain74 le 20 Mars 2015 à 12:43
Teen boy Carlos – solo video.....LIEN01.....
Carlos cute teen boy! I fell in love with him when I was just discovering that I like guyz. His macho lil body & big hard uncut boy cock & pretty eyes & SEXY DIMPLES
Too Horny for Homework...............LIEN2.....
When you’re horny—like, REALLY horny—nothing else in the world matters. It’s pretty much impossible to focus on anything, like the fact that your boyfriend is busy finishing up important homework. Because priority number one is your urgent need to ejaculate. Today, Dalton finds himself in just such a jam, but Anthony is too immersed in his laptop to help out. So the hunky, blond Russian devises a simple, but clever plan to grab his sexy boyfriend’s attention. He waves his huge, uncut cock in Anthony’s face. And really, who could possibly ignore that thing? Anthony’s homework quickly moves to the back burner as he struggles to squeeze in Dalton’s generously thick, meaty pole. Starring: Dalton Briggs, Anthony Verusso
Kolja and Willy from TBW.....LIEN3................
The hot innocent blonde had a hard cock perfect for fucking fat and plump, then tapered down to its base. Something for an asshole to grip onto when shoved all the way up. Sexy and succulent.
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